4 Things You Can Do To Help Your Puppy Avoid Parvovirus

Posted on: 29 June 2015


If you have a small puppy who hasn't gotten their dog vaccinations yet, you need to make sure that you protect them against canine parvovirus. Parvovirus, commonly called by the nickname "Parvo", is a viral infection could threaten your dog's life.  Until you are able to see your veterinarian, here are some ways you can help your puppy avoid this disease.

Keep Your Puppy Away from Unvaccinated Dogs

Parvo is spread by contact with an infected dog's feces. Therefore, it's a smart idea to avoid other dogs unless you know they have been vaccinated against the disease. 

This may mean that you need to limit your time in public, as there is no way to tell which dogs have the virus and which do not. Don't allow your dog to play with other dogs in the park and think twice before bringing your puppy to pet stores or play groups. Walking where infected dogs may have walked might mean that feces gets on the bottom of your puppy's paws, which they may lick off while cleaning themselves.

Work with Dogs? Change Your Clothes Before Returning

If you work with dogs, or see other dogs on a regular basis, it is crucial that you avoid bringing any germs home and passing them on to your puppy. Make sure you have a change of clothing, so you don't have to enter your home in clothes that may carry the virus.

Wipe Down Surfaces in Your Home with Bleach

If you have had dogs in the past, before getting your puppy, you may or may not have vaccinated them against parvovirus. To be safe, make sure you wipe down the surfaces in your home with a diluted bleach solution. Parvovirus cannot be killed by regular soap and water, but a bleach solution can take care of it.

Know the Signs

If you've used the tips above, you may not think your puppy has contacted parvovirus. However, to keep your puppy safe, you need to know the signs of the disease. Signs include:

  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Isolating themselves

Should your puppy start having any of these symptoms, have them seen by a vet, like the ones at Delphos Animal Hospital, immediately, as parvovirus is too serious to attempt to treat at home.

Use the suggestions in this article to help prevent your puppy from becoming infected with canine parvovirus. Consult a vet as soon as possible to find out what other dog vaccinations your puppy will need.